We build strong AI community & promote knowledge exchange between academia, private companies, and decision makers. SwissAI teams are actively support AI for good initiatives and projects
... more then a meetup
We created SwissAI Machine Learning Meetup in 2016 to promote knowledge exchange on AI, Data Science and Software Development, between Universities, Private Companies and Decision makers. Since then, we became one of the largest AI communities in Europe with more then 5000 members in several groups. Our activities focus on building open community of specialist in Switzerland with connections to similar communities across the world, and supporting AI for good initiatives, with our teams and online activities.
our activities
Organizing Workshops, Courses and Publishing materials, on AI, Machine learning, & Data Science
Interviews with Entrepreneurs, Researchers and Decision Makers working on AI & Data Science
We organize frequent public events, meetups, lectures, and workshops open to everyone
members & speakers from
Events, Workshops & Courses
Join our Comunity
Become our Partner
We partner with academic institusions, NGOs and companies that share our values and aim to promote knowledge exchange and community building around AI, Data Science and Software Development